1 – | This is where you start the level. Go forward until you reach a large hall with a dried foutain in the middle at (2). |
2 – | The hall is at the junction of the three parts of the level. There's a corridor closed by three doors to the south. A corridor to the west leading to the first part of the level. Another corridor to the north leading to the second part. And finaly a corridor to the east leading to the third part. There's an altar in the room to the north (15). So, go north and save your progress first, then head back and go to the west (3). |
3 – | There are two pressure plates in this area that trigger traps teleporting backwards and preventing you from reaching the door to the south. So for now, head north and at the junction, follow the west corridor to a door at the other end (4). |
4 – | Pul the lever nearby, and enter the room (5). Walking on the pressure plates will trigger fireballs, so be careful. |
5 – | There's a fake wall to the south with some gold. Push the button to open the wall to the north, then head to the next room and step aside to avoid the fireball (6). |
6 – | Continue forward to the two pressure plates and the alcove behind. Walk on the first pressure plate and move aside as this will also trigger fireballs. Pick up the rock on the floor and place it on the second pressure plate to disable it. Then continue to the alcove and pick up the amulet. Also pick up a shield on the floor and the prison key next to it. There's also a paper talking about a prisoner, the elf is jailed in a cell that is reachable only from the prison in level 2. But for now, push the button to disable the two pressure plates and open a gate behind. Head back, then go to the second corridor (7). |
7 – | Run to the other end as the pressure plate will trigger a teleporting spell. Pick up the key and the arrow in the alcove then head back and use the key to open the door nearby. It's time now to help the jailed elf. Head to the west (8). |
8 – | Climb up using the rope and go back to level 2 at (A). Kill the monsters, throw something on the pressure plates to disable the teleporter traps and move forward. Put something on the two pressure plates(and dodge the fireballs) to open the door nearby and another door near the rope. Kill the monsters and pick up a copper key in the alcove and go back to the rope. If you want to help the jailed elf, head north to the prison at (17) and go down stairs, back to level 3 at (13). Climp down using the rope to go back to level 3 then head to the next room (9). |
9 – | Use the copper key found at level 2 (A) on the lock to open the door. Kill the monsters (this will open the door at he other side of the room). Head to the other side and pull the lever to open the door at (3), then head to the newly opened room next to the entrance (10). |
10 – | Kill the monsters (this will open a door at (11)). Pull the lever to disable the traps casting teleporting spells to the southwest. Then head to a newly opened room to the north at (11). |
11 – | Pull the lever to open the door to the southwest and head to the last room at (12). Pick up the spear on your way. |
12 – | Kill the rats and pick up the leather pants. Walking on the sides of the room will trigger fireball traps, so be careful. Push a secret button on the wall near the entrance to the east to open the grate to the south with a rat behind. Head to the south, kill the rat and push the button to open the first door of the hall at (2). |
13 – | There's a potion recipe in the room with the crates.
Pick it up and head back. Use the prison key found at (6) on the lock to open the door and head to (14). |
14 – | An elf woman is jailed here, pull the lever to open the door of her cell. Then, go talk to her. She will be grateful and join your party. Go upstairs, head back to this level hall, then head north to the altar (15). |
15 – | Save your progress at the altar. One of the pressure plates to the north opens the door leading to (16), the other closes it. Walk on the right pressure plate and head to (16). |
16 – | There's a lock with a gem hole and a pressure plate to the right in a dead end. Step on the pressure plate to open the surrounding walls. Kill the rats (this will open other walls), kill the goblins and so on until you reach the other side of the room (17). |
17 – | Pick up the golden key below the shirt in the alcove, then push the button to open the door nearby leading to (18). |
18 – | There's a blue gem on a pedestal and some gold on the side of the room. The floor in front of the pedestal tiggers some traps. To safely pick up the gem put some rocks on the floor. Head back to the lock at (16) with the gem, then place it in the hole to open the door and continue to the next room (19). |
19 – | There are some monsters attacking from the ground in this room but they can only move on earth. So, kill one of them and head back on a stone floor and so on. Pull the lever to lower the bridge and head to (20). |
20 – | Pull the lever to close the trapdoor to the west (this will also close the bridge). Head to the alcove and pick up the two golden keys. Head back to the lever and push it to reopen the bridge, then head to the eastern door and use one of the golden key to open it and continue to (21). |
21 – | Avoid the spikes and pick up the arrow. Place something on the two pressure plates to open the door to the east. Head to the next room (22). |
22 – | There are many trapdoors to the north and four pressure plates to the south. Each pressure plate opens some of the trapdoors and closes others. Another pressure plate next to the door resets the trapdoors to their initial state. To gain access to the corner of the room with some rocks on the floor, step on the first pressure plate to the south, next to the door, skip the second one, step on the third and the fourth, then head back to the second pressure plate and step on it. Pick up the golden key below the rocks and head back to the bridge (19). Use the second golden key fount at (20) to open the door to the west and continue to (23). |
23 – | Avoid the spikes and use the golden key fount at (22) to open the door to the west. The moving monster with spikes opens and closes the door to the north leading to a room with a fountain (24). Head west to the next room (25) or north to the fountain (24). |
24 – | Drink some water at the fountain and pick up the waterskin. Then pull the lever to open a door to the south and head back to (23), then continue to the west (25). |
25 – | Avoid the spikes, pick up some gold and a leather jerkin to the north. Pull two of the three levers, leaving the one to the north to open the grate in front of the entrance. Then push the button behind the grate to open the second door of the hall at (2). Go back to the hall (2) and head to the last part of the level to the east (26). |
26 – | There's a locked door the the north with a red gem in an alcove behind. You don't have the key, so push the button of the door to the south and continue (27). |
27 – | Some open trapdoors prevent to gain access to the other side of the room. Fortunately, there's a secret button on the wall to the west next to a grate. Push the button to close one of the trapdoor next to it, continue south across the trapdoor and press another secret button to close a second trapdoor to the east. Head to the second trapdoor, kill the rat and continue south (28). |
28 – | A goblin will throw some rocks at you with his sling. Throw something onto the pressure plate behind the open trapdoor to close it and kill him. Pick up the potion and the key in the alcove, and the rope in a second alcove to the north. Press another secret button next to the second alcove to close a trapdoor to the west. Head to the newly closed trapdoor and continue north (29). |
29 – | Use the key found in the alcove at (28) to open the door to the entrance (26). Use your rope to drop down into the open trapdoor to the east and land at level 4 (A). Pick up the golden key in the alcove and return to this level using the teleporter. Head to the entrance (26) and use the golden key to open the door to the north and pick up the red gem. Then head to the east to a stone with two gem holes (30). |
30 – | Place the gem in one the holes of the stone. You must surely find another gem to open the door nearby. So, step on the pressure plate to the north and continue to (31). |
31 – | The pressure plate will close the door behind you. You are trapped in a maze with some monsters attacking from the ground. There are two keys to find in the maze, head west to the other side then south to find the first key at (32). |
32 – | Kill the monster and pick up the key, then head back and go to the middle of the maze to a cage with a green gem. From there, head to the south east to a door at (33). There are some reagents you can pick up on your way. |
33 – | Use the key you found at (32) on the lock to the east to open the door. Then pick up the golden key on the ground near the lock. Head back to the door and pick up a compass and a club in an alcove. Pull the lever to open the cage in the middle of the maze and pick up the green gem. Then head to the exit (34), to the southwest from the door. |
34 – | Use the golden key fount at (33) to open the door and get out. Then go back to the stone with gem holes (30) and place the green gem. This will open the door to the south. So, contine south to the next room at (35). |
35 – | Drink some water at the fountain and use the golden key found below a shirt at (17) on the lock to the east to open the door next to it. Then pick up some gold and an orb. Use the orb if you want some help from a ghost. Then push the button next to the fountain to open the last door of the hall at (2). Go back to the hall (2) and head south to (36). |
36 – | Go down the stairs to the next level. |